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Tag: whedon

  • Marvel Fest 2009

    Marvel Fest 2009

    Gearing up for the big debut at Marvel Fest 2009! As many of you know, I have been working free-lance over at Neals Adams’ Continuity Studios for over a year now alongside some incredibly talented individuals. A large potion of that time has been spent developing sophisticated image manipulation techniques and employing them as “Motioneers”…

  • Progress on The Astonishing X-Men motion comic.

    Progress on The Astonishing X-Men motion comic.

    Animating “The Astonishing X-Men” motion comic: As I pointed out in a previous blog entry, I have been subcontracted by the renowned Comic Book Artist Neal Adams of Continuity Studios to work on “The Astonishing X-Men” motion Comic as an Motioneer (type of animator using primarily vector warping and puppeting to animate still images). Progress…