A Morning Glory Fae Photomanipulation.
MorningGloria by JayelDraco on deviantART
“A morning-glory at my window satisfies me
more than the metaphysics of books.” ~Walt Whitman~
I took a photo of a Morning Glory a couple weeks ago and thought “wow this looks like a beautiful tiny dress”.
So I photoshopped it into a dress and composited the model into it, added seams & hems with digital paint,
then created a background from various macro photos of moss and the like that I took while camping.
Primary Photography & Photomanipulation: JayelDraco.
Stock Used:
- Hair Pack 2 by `lockstock
As always, I will greatly appreciate your questions comments and critiques
but please RESPECT THE MODEL or you might not see the glory of morning again. . .
For more of this type of work, please visit the Photomanipulation Gallery on this website.