
Well hello friendos,
"Tracy Queen, Volume 2: Dangerous Experiments" successfully funded on kickstarterSince last I blogged at y’all, we blew past our goal for Tracy Queen Volume 2 on kickstarter back in March at nearly 125 percent! That was amazing! It’s now available to purchase in print or digital at oneshipress.com. And we’ve taken up arms to launch a project that’s been in the works for a few years now, starring one of my oldest characters, Mr. Guy, whom I’ve been developing since the mid 90s. It’s Mr. Guy: Zombie Hunter, a fantasy zombie comedy! And this project is attached to “Origins,” Oneshi Press’s 10th Comics Anthology! These two projects combined add up to our biggest thing yet!

The House of Indie Podcast episode 21 cover image featuring Mr. Guy and his sidekick spooky illustrated by Jayel DracoOkay okay, so what’s this all about, eh? Well you can certainly check the mrguycomic.com website to learn more about Mr. Guy, and you can totally grab our previous comics anthologies from oneshipress.com to learn about those… but our co-founder, Lynsey G, and I have been doing our best to get all this info to you as simply and entertainingly as possible. ENTER: PODCASTS. We’ve been lucky enough to be invited onto The House of Indie podcast, Wayne’s Comics Podcast, Adrian Has Issues podcast, the Two Dimension podcast, and the FTO Nerd Talk podcast. For starters, the House of Indie podcast episode 21 featuring Oneshi Press (Lynsey G. and Jayel Draco) has already launched. Please give it a listen, it’s fun, informative, and dare I say inspiring! Lynsey and I talked to House of Indie podcast host Joey Galvez about how to run a Kickstarter (Hint: PANIC), how to be an indie publisher (Hint: just give a shit), what to do when dinosaurs die (Hint: adapt and take over) & our newest comics projects (Hint: Mr. Guy) …and of course, we talked about zombies (Hint: Unhhgggg!).

House of Indie podcast logo by Jayel DracoIn addition to the fun episode cover image that I illustrated, featuring our lovable reluctant hero Mr. Guy and his floating-skull sidekick Spooky commenting on the House of Indie Logo… I also redesigned the House of Indie’s logo itself! I’m very proud of the logo and fun episode cover image. I think that kind of outreach, where we pair our work with our partners and colleagues is very telling about our nature in general. Our fictional character commenting on the logo of that podcast that he’s in is equally telling of how we get down when getting around them pesky fourth walls. This logo in particular pulls on the heartstrings of those who love the retro-vintage look… Come to think of it, Mr. Guy does a lot of that too. We load it up with references that you’ll like even if you don’t get them, but when you do… EXTRA LIKE!

Stay tuned as we continue with more podcasts and blogs, and interviews with our co-creators and contributors. This isn’t just a fun ride, it’s a whole dang theme park!

Check out Mr. Guy & Anthology 10 on Kickstarter … tell your friends!


Discover more from www.jayeldraco.com

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