The Coney Island Film Festival 2009 will be playing “Cockroach Hotel” as part of it’s lineup
The mission of the Coney Island Film Festival is to bring people together to celebrate the power of independent film through cinema and the Coney Island experience, and to provide the South Brooklyn neighborhood of Coney Island, with an educational and cultural experience, that enriches the lives of its citizens and contributes to the local economy. We foster a place of connection for filmmakers to meet, share ideas and develop professional relationships.
All proceeds from the festival, raise funds for the non-profit arts organization Coney Island USA.
The Coney Island Film Festival screens a truly eclectic range of films from the U.S. and all over the world and much to the delight of our audience features a number of “made in Coney Island” productions each year. In 2015 the Coney Island Film Festival is celebrating its 15th anniversary.
The festival’s ties to carny culture are undeniable. Our screening venues are the legendary Sideshows by the Seashore theater, home to America’s last authentic 10-in-1 circus sideshow and the Coney Island Museum. Our infamous opening night celebrations feature live performances by sideshow & burlesque stars.
The Festival has been named “One of MovieMaker Magazine’s Coolest Film Festivals in the World” and “25 Festivals Worth the Entry Fee”.
Watch Cockroach Hotel here:
“Cockroach Hotel” is the first music video from Jigsaw Soul’s upcoming album “Bound to Collide.”
Director: Christopher Piazza
Producer: Tom Strodel
DP: Jon FordhamThe Coney Island Fiml Festival
Art Director: Jayel Draco
Special Effects: Jayel Draco
Editor: Andrew Giles